Don’t Wait. Vaccinate.

Dog Vaccines

Core Vaccines

  • Rabies: an incurable, fatal infection of the nervous system that attacks all animals, including humans. Rabies is transmissible to humans and vaccination is required by law for all dogs. By law, all dogs that live in Jefferson County are required to have a current rabies vaccination and license. We will give you the paperwork you need.
  • Canine Distemper/Parvo: Distemper starts as a severe respiratory infection and then moves to the brain, causing seizures and eventually death. Parvovirus causes life-threatening bloody diarrhea and vomiting.

Optional Vaccines

  • Canine Bordetella (Kennel Cough)is a highly contagious infection that causes bronchitis with a gagging, hacking cough.
    • Recommended for: all dogs that are groomed, boarded, take classes, or frequent dog parks. Cost $23.50 each.
    • Vaccination schedule: initial vax, 4-week booster, and every 6 months thereafter.
  • Canine Leptospirosisis a microbe carried in the urine of wild mammals that infects dogs and can be passed to humans. It lives in water and moist areas.
    • Recommended if: your dog drinks or runs through puddles, streams, ponds and lakes, especially Chatfield Dog Park. We also recommend it for dogs in contact with small children. Cost $15 each.
    • Vaccination schedule: Initial vax, 4-week booster, then annually.
  • Rattlesnake (RS) vaccine protects against RS venom. It produces antibodies in the dog that block the venom. To date it is proving effective, though all dogs that are bitten by a rattlesnake should be taken to a veterinarian immediately.
    • Recommended for: all dogs in areas where rattlesnakes live, especially if your dog hikes with you! Cost $27 each.
    • Vaccination schedule: initial vax, 4-week booster, then annually in the spring.
  • Giardia is a parasite in all unfiltered water sources in Colorado. Most dogs develop their own immunity to it; however, the vaccine reduces shedding in the stool.
    • Recommended for: dogs in contact with young children, or dogs with chronic diarrhea due to giardia. Cost: $23.50.
    • Vaccination schedule: initial vax, 4-week booster and annual vaccination.
  • Canine Influenza is an emerging disease similar to the human flu. It can be mild, but in 10% of cases, it causes a life-threatening pneumonia (50% mortality).
    • Strongly Recommended for: all dogs that are groomed, boarded, participate in shows or classes, or frequent parks where a lot of dogs congregate. If you are boarding your dog, it is most effective if started a month prior. Cost is $27 per vaccine.
    • Vaccination schedule: initial vax, 2-3 week booster and then yearly thereafter.

Dog Vaccines

Core Vaccines

  • Rabies: an incurable, fatal infection of the nervous system that attacks all animals, including humans. Rabies is transmissible to humans and vaccination is required by law for all dogs. By law, all dogs that live in Jefferson County are required to have a current rabies vaccination and license. We will give you the paperwork you need.
  • Canine Distemper/Parvo: Distemper starts as a severe respiratory infection and then moves to the brain, causing seizures and eventually death. Parvovirus causes life-threatening bloody diarrhea and vomiting.

Optional Vaccines

  • Canine Bordetella (Kennel Cough)is a highly contagious infection that causes bronchitis with a gagging, hacking cough.
    • Recommended for: all dogs that are groomed, boarded, take classes, or frequent dog parks. Cost $23.50 each.
    • Vaccination schedule: initial vax, 4-week booster, and every 6 months thereafter.
  • Canine Leptospirosisis a microbe carried in the urine of wild mammals that infects dogs and can be passed to humans. It lives in water and moist areas.
    • Recommended if: your dog drinks or runs through puddles, streams, ponds and lakes, especially Chatfield Dog Park. We also recommend it for dogs in contact with small children. Cost $15 each.
    • Vaccination schedule: Initial vax, 4-week booster, then annually.
  • Rattlesnake (RS) vaccine protects against RS venom. It produces antibodies in the dog that block the venom. To date it is proving effective, though all dogs that are bitten by a rattlesnake should be taken to a veterinarian immediately.
    • Recommended for: all dogs in areas where rattlesnakes live, especially if your dog hikes with you! Cost $27 each.
    • Vaccination schedule: initial vax, 4-week booster, then annually in the spring.
  • Giardia is a parasite in all unfiltered water sources in Colorado. Most dogs develop their own immunity to it; however, the vaccine reduces shedding in the stool.
    • Recommended for: dogs in contact with young children, or dogs with chronic diarrhea due to giardia. Cost: $23.50.
    • Vaccination schedule: initial vax, 4-week booster and annual vaccination.
  • Canine Influenza is an emerging disease similar to the human flu. It can be mild, but in 10% of cases, it causes a life-threatening pneumonia (50% mortality).
    • Strongly Recommended for: all dogs that are groomed, boarded, participate in shows or classes, or frequent parks where a lot of dogs congregate. If you are boarding your dog, it is most effective if started a month prior. Cost is $27 per vaccine.
    • Vaccination schedule: initial vax, 2-3 week booster and then yearly thereafter.

Cat Vaccines

Core Vaccines

  • Rabies: an incurable, fatal infection of the nervous system that attacks all animals including humans. Because it is transmissible to humans, it is required by law that all cats be vaccinated.
  • Feline Distemper: easily transmitted and fatal. It starts as a severe respiratory infection and then moves to the brain, causing seizures and eventually death This vaccine is recommended for ALL CATS–because it can be carried in the air or on your clothing into your home.

Optional Vaccines

  • Feline Leukemia Virus (FELV) is a highly contagious virus similar to human HIV virus and is one of the leading killers of cats. Its devastating effects are fatal within 2-5 years. A FELV blood test ($65) should be done on all new cats in the household to ensure they don’t pass it to others.
    • Recommended for: all outdoor cats or those exposed to outdoor cats through screen doors and windows.
    • Vaccination schedule: initial vax, 4-week booster, and then annually.
  • FIV is also a serious, deadly disease to outdoor cats. Your cat must be bitten by an infected cat to be exposed. In this neighborhood, the risk is very low, so we do not stock this vaccine. If your cat fights with other outdoor cats, then s/he is at risk. Please ask us, and we can obtain this vaccine for you.
  • FIP is another deadly disease to which there is a vaccination. The vaccine is highly controversial and we do not recommend its use

Cat Vaccines

Core Vaccines

  • Rabies: an incurable, fatal infection of the nervous system that attacks all animals including humans. Because it is transmissible to humans, it is required by law that all cats be vaccinated.
  • Feline Distemper: easily transmitted and fatal. It starts as a severe respiratory infection and then moves to the brain, causing seizures and eventually death This vaccine is recommended for ALL CATS–because it can be carried in the air or on your clothing into your home.

Optional Vaccines

  • Feline Leukemia Virus (FELV) is a highly contagious virus similar to human HIV virus and is one of the leading killers of cats. Its devastating effects are fatal within 2-5 years. A FELV blood test ($65) should be done on all new cats in the household to ensure they don’t pass it to others.
    • Recommended for: all outdoor cats or those exposed to outdoor cats through screen doors and windows.
    • Vaccination schedule: initial vax, 4-week booster, and then annually.
  • FIV is also a serious, deadly disease to outdoor cats. Your cat must be bitten by an infected cat to be exposed. In this neighborhood, the risk is very low, so we do not stock this vaccine. If your cat fights with other outdoor cats, then s/he is at risk. Please ask us, and we can obtain this vaccine for you.
  • FIP is another deadly disease to which there is a vaccination. The vaccine is highly controversial and we do not recommend its use